Sábháil Cluaisíní
Má dhúnann tú cluaisíní OnionShare, scriosann tú iad, rud a chuireann cosc ar athúsáid. Tá suíomhanna gréasáin a bhíonn á n-óstáil go seasta ar fáil ar an seoladh céanna fiú má dhéantar an ríomhaire óna bhfuil siad roinnte a atosú.
Déan cluaisín ar bith go leanúnach tríd an mbosca "Oscail an cluaisín seo i gcónaí nuair a thosaíonn OnionShare" a sheiceáil sula dtosaíonn tú ar do fhreastalaí.

Agus OnionShare á oscailt, cuirfear tús le do chuid cluaisíní sábháilte ón seisiún roimhe seo a oscailt. Is féidir tús a chur le gach seirbhís de láimh ansin, agus beidh sí ar fáil ar an seoladh OnionShare céanna agus beidh sí cosanta leis an eochair phríobháideach chéanna.
Má shábhálann tú cluaisín, stóráiltear cóip dá eochair rúnda seirbhíse oinniúin ar do ríomhaire.
Múch Eochair Phríobháideach
De réir réamhshocraithe, tá gach seirbhís OnionShare cosanta le eochair phríobháideach, a dtugann Tor "fíordheimhniú cliant" air.
Iarrfaidh Brabhsálaí Tor ort d’eochair phríobháideach a chur isteach nuair a lódálann tú seirbhís OnionShare. Más mian leat ligean don phobal do sheirbhís a úsáid, is fearr an eochair phríobháideach a dhíchumasú ar fad.
Chun an eochair phríobháideach le haghaidh aon chluaisín a mhúchadh, seiceáil an bosca "Seirbhís OnionShare poiblí é seo (díchumasaigh eochair phríobháideach)" sula dtosaíonn tú ar an bhfreastalaí. Ansin beidh an freastalaí poiblí agus ní gá eochair phríobháideach chun é a lódáil sa Bhrabhsálaí Tor.
Teidil Chustaim
Nuair a lódálann daoine seirbhísí OnionShare sa Bhrabhsálaí Tor feiceann siad an teideal réamhshocraithe do gach cineál seirbhíse. Mar shampla, is é an teideal réamhshocraithe le haghaidh seirbhísí comhrá ná "OnionShare Chat".
Má chuireann tú an socrú "Teideal an Chustaim" in eagar sula dtosaíonn tú ar fhreastalaí is féidir leat é a athrú.
Amanna Sceidealta
Tacaíonn OnionShare le sceidealú go díreach nuair ba cheart seirbhís a thosú agus a stopadh. Sula dtosaíonn tú ar fhreastalaí, cliceáil "Taispeáin socruithe casta" ina chluaisín agus ansin seiceáil na boscaí in aice le ceachtar "Tosaigh seirbhís oinniún ag am sceidealta", "Stop seirbhís oinniún ag am sceidealta", nó iad araon, agus socraigh na dátaí inmhianaithe faoi seach agus amanna.
Taispeánann seirbhísí atá sceidealaithe le tosú amach anseo lasc ama comhaireamh síos nuair a chliceáiltear an cnaipe “Tosaigh ag roinnt”. Taispeánann seirbhísí atá sceidealaithe le stopadh sa todhchaí lasc ama comhaireamh síos nuair a chuirtear tús leo.
Is féidir seirbhís OnionShare a sceidealú le tosú go huathoibríoch a úsáid mar lasc fear marbh. Ciallaíonn sé seo go ndéanfar do sheirbhís a phoibliú ag am ar leith amach anseo mura bhfuil tú ann chun é a chosc. Mura dtarlaíonn rud ar bith duit, is féidir leat an tseirbhís a chur ar ceal sula mbeidh sé sceidealaithe le tosú.

Cuireann sceidealú seirbhís OnionShare teorainn lena nochtadh. Más mian leat faisnéis rúnda nó rud éigin a bheidh as dáta a roinnt, is féidir leat é sin a dhéanamh ar feadh tréimhse teoranta roghnaithe.

Comhéadan líne ordaithe
Chomh maith lena chomhéadan grafach, tá comhéadan ordú-líne ag OnionShare.
Suiteáil an leagan CLI
Má tá an pacáiste Snap, macOS nó Windows suiteáilte agat, tá an leagan CLI suiteáilte agat cheana féin.
Nó, is féidir leat an leagan ordú-líne de OnionShare a shuiteáil ag baint úsáide as `` pip3``
pip3 install --user onionshare-cli
Tabhair faoi deara go mbeidh an pacáiste `` tor`` suiteáilte uait freisin. I macOS, é a shuiteáil le: `` brew install tor``
Ansin rith sé mar seo:
onionshare-cli --help
Tá eolas faoina shuiteáil ar chórais oibriúcháin éagsúla le fáil sa chomhad CLI README sa stór Git.
Rith an CLI ó Snap
Má shuiteáil tú OnionShare ag baint úsáide as an bpacáiste Snap, is féidir leat onionshare.cli
a rith chun rochtain a fháil ar an leagan comhéadan ordú-líne.
CLI a rith ó macOS
Ón Teirminéal, is féidir leat / Applications/ --help
a rith
CLI a rith ó Windows
I suiteáil Windows, tá an inrite `` onionshare-cli.exe`` ar fáil.
Brabhsáil doiciméadú na líne ordaithe trí onionshare --help
a rith:
$ onionshare-cli --help
│ * ▄▄█████▄▄ * │
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│ v2.4.1 │
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usage: onionshare-cli [-h] [--receive] [--website] [--chat] [--local-only] [--connect-timeout SECONDS] [--config FILENAME] [--persistent FILENAME] [--title TITLE] [--public]
[--auto-start-timer SECONDS] [--auto-stop-timer SECONDS] [--no-autostop-sharing] [--log-filenames] [--qr] [--data-dir data_dir] [--webhook-url webhook_url] [--disable-text]
[--disable-files] [--disable_csp] [--custom_csp custom_csp] [-v]
[filename ...]
positional arguments:
filename List of files or folders to share
optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--receive Receive files
--website Publish website
--chat Start chat server
--local-only Don't use Tor (only for development)
--connect-timeout SECONDS
Give up connecting to Tor after a given amount of seconds (default: 120)
--config FILENAME Filename of custom global settings
--persistent FILENAME Filename of persistent session
--title TITLE Set a title
--public Don't use a private key
--auto-start-timer SECONDS
Start onion service at scheduled time (N seconds from now)
--auto-stop-timer SECONDS
Stop onion service at scheduled time (N seconds from now)
--no-autostop-sharing Share files: Continue sharing after files have been sent (the default is to stop sharing)
--log-filenames Log file download activity to stdout
--qr Display a QR code in the terminal for share links
--data-dir data_dir Receive files: Save files received to this directory
--webhook-url webhook_url
Receive files: URL to receive webhook notifications
--disable-text Receive files: Disable receiving text messages
--disable-files Receive files: Disable receiving files
--disable_csp Publish website: Disable the default Content Security Policy header (allows your website to use third-party resources)
--custom_csp custom_csp Publish website: Set a custom Content Security Policy header
-v, --verbose Log OnionShare errors to stdout, and web errors to disk
An CLI a rith mar chomhad aonaid systemd
Is féidir OnionShare a thosú go huathoibríoch ón CLI ag baint úsáide as comhad aonaid systemd.
B’fhéidir go mbeidh sé seo an-úsáideach duit má tá tú ag feidhmiú i mód ‘leanúnach’, agus más mian leat an tseirbhís oinniúin chéanna a thosú gach uair a thosaíonn do mheaisín.
Chun seo a dhéanamh, ní mór duit roinnt config OnionShare json a ullmhú ar dtús.
Seo é an príomh-chumraíocht OnionShare. Sa sampla seo, tá sé stóráilte i /home/user/.config/onionshare/onionshare.json
. Seans go mbeidh ort cuid de na socruithe a choigeartú, ach má tá OnionShare suiteáilte agat cheana féin, is dócha go bhfuil cuma mhaith air seo cheana féin:
"version": "2.6.2",
"connection_type": "bundled",
"control_port_address": "",
"control_port_port": 9051,
"socks_address": "",
"socks_port": 9050,
"socket_file_path": "/var/run/tor/control",
"auth_type": "no_auth",
"auth_password": "",
"auto_connect": true,
"use_autoupdate": true,
"autoupdate_timestamp": null,
"bridges_enabled": false,
"bridges_type": "built-in",
"bridges_builtin_pt": "obfs4",
"bridges_moat": "",
"bridges_custom": "",
"bridges_builtin": {},
"persistent_tabs": [
"locale": "en",
"theme": 0
Tabhair faoi deara an rannán 'persistent_tabs'. Cruthóimid comhad anois ag /home/user/.config/onionshare/persistent/my-persistent-onion.json
, a bhreathnaíonn mar seo:
"onion": {
"private_key": "UDIaZD8QgoXRP8JnAJ+pnlogQazfZ0wrfWJk5zPBGUBqg6+lozzjUJKTYWxwrxR33pDgJdTFtCUN1CX1FE22UQ==",
"client_auth_pub_key": "J4YLYAHS25UU3TZTE27H32RN3MCRGLR345U52XS2JNQ76CCHCRSQ"
"persistent": {
"mode": "share",
"enabled": true
"general": {
"title": null,
"public": false,
"autostart_timer": 0,
"autostop_timer": 0,
"service_id": "niktadkcp6z7rym3r5o3j2hnmis53mno5ughvur357xo7jkjvmqrchid",
"qr": false
"share": {
"autostop_sharing": true,
"filenames": [
"receive": {
"data_dir": "/home/user/OnionShare",
"webhook_url": null,
"disable_text": false,
"disable_files": false
"website": {
"disable_csp": false,
"custom_csp": null,
"filenames": []
"chat": {}
Ná húsáid an eochair phríobháideach seo, na heochracha service_id nó client_auth! Léirítear iad mar shampla amháin. Ná roinn an eochair_phríobháideach le haon duine.
Is é an bealach is éasca chun an seoladh oinniún agus an eochair phríobháideach a ghiniúint ná cluaisín OnionShare 'pinned' a chruthú ar dtús san app deisce agus thosaigh sé ar an sciar den chéad uair. Ansin sábhálfaidh sé seo na socruithe leanúnacha chuig d'fhillteán .config/onionshare/persistent/
le hainm randamach air. Is féidir leat an cluaisín sin a dhíphionnáil nuair a bheidh sé ginte agat den chéad uair. Nó, is féidir leat é a fhágáil san áit a bhfuil sé, agus an comhad leanúnach sin a úsáid i do chomhad aonaid systemd thíos.
Anois is féidir leat comhad aonaid systemd a chruthú i /etc/systemd/system/onionshare-cli.service
. Bí cinnte an tÚsáideoir agus an Grúpa a choigeartú do d’úsáideoir/grúpa féin, chomh maith le hathruithe ar aon chosáin chuig an dénártha onionshare-cli nó na cosáin chuig do chumraíochtaí agus scaireanna JSON.
Ba cheart go mbeadh cuma mar seo ar an gcomhad aonaid systemd:
Description=OnionShare CLI
ExecStart=/home/user/.local/bin/onionshare-cli --persistent /home/user/.config/onionshare/persistent/my-persistent-onion.json /home/user/my-shared-file.txt
Tabhair faoi deara, cé go raibh /home/user/my-shared-file.txt
sainmhínithe sa chuid filenames
den chomhad my-persistent-onion.json
, tá sé fós riachtanach é a shonrú mar argóint don ordú onionshare-cli.
Bí cinnte `` sudo systemctl daemon-reload`` a rith tar éis duit an comhad aonaid a chruthú.
Anois is féidir leat `` sudo systemctl start onionshare-cli.service`` a rith. Má tá journalctl
suiteáilte agat, is féidir leat sudo journalctl -f -t onionshare-cli
a rith, agus ba cheart go bhfeicfeá roinnt aschur de do sheirbhís ag tosú:
Feb 09 10:14:09 onionshare onionshare-cli[18852]: [6.5K blob data]
Feb 09 10:14:18 onionshare onionshare-cli[18852]: Compressing files.
Feb 09 10:14:18 onionshare onionshare-cli[18852]: Give this address and private key to the recipient:
Feb 09 10:14:18 onionshare onionshare-cli[18852]: http://niktadkcp6z7rym3r5o3j2hnmis53mno5ughvur357xo7jkjvmqrchid.onion
Feb 09 10:14:18 onionshare onionshare-cli[18852]: Private key: RHJSN4VI3NKGDSIWK45CCWTLYOJHA6DQQRQXUID3FXMAILYXWVUQ
Feb 09 10:14:18 onionshare onionshare-cli[18852]: Press Ctrl+C to stop the server
Mura dteastaíonn uait go n-úsáidfidh d’úsáideoirí Eochair Phríobháideach, socraigh public
le bheith `` fíor`` sna socruithe ginearálta
sa chomhad my-persistent-onion.json.
Aicearraí méarchláir
Tá roinnt aicearraí méarchláir san fheidhmchlár deisce OnionShare, ar mhaithe le háisiúlacht agus inrochtaineacht:
Ctrl T - New Tab
Ctrl X - Closes current tab
Agus ón scáileán roghnóir príomh-mhód:
Ctrl S - Share mode
Ctrl R - Receive mode
Ctrl W - Website mode
Ctrl C - Chat mode
Ctrl H - Settings tab
Configuration file parameters
OnionShare stores its settings in a JSON file. Both the CLI and the Desktop versions use this configuration file. The CLI also lets you specify a path to a custom configuration file with --config
Below are the configuration file parameters and what they mean. If your configuration file has other parameters not listed here, they may be obsolete from older OnionShare versions.
Parameter |
Type |
Explanation |
version |
The version of OnionShare. You should not ever need to change this value. |
connection_type |
The way in which OnionShare connects to Tor. Valid options are 'bundled', 'automatic' (use Tor Browser's Tor connection), 'control_port' or 'socket_file'. Default: 'bundled' |
control_port_address |
The IP address of Tor's Control port, if |
control_port_port |
The port number of Tor's Control port, if |
socks_address |
The IP address of Tor's SOCKS proxy, if |
socks_port |
The port number of Tor's SOCKS proxy, if |
socket_file_path |
The path to Tor's socket file, if |
auth_type |
If access to Tor's control port requires a password, this can be set to 'password', otherwise 'no_auth'. Default: 'no_auth' |
auth_password |
If access to Tor's control port requires a password, and |
auto_connect |
Whether OnionShare should automatically connect to Tor when it starts. Default: False |
use_autoupdate |
Whether OnionShare should automatically check for updates (over Tor). This setting is only valid for MacOS or Windows installations. Default: True. |
autoupdate_timestamp |
The last time OnionShare checked for updates. Default: None |
bridges_enabled |
Whether to connect to Tor using bridges. Default: False |
bridges_type |
When |
bridges_builtin_pt |
When |
bridges_moat |
When |
bridges_custom |
When |
bridges_builtin |
When |
persistent_tabs |
If the user has defined any tabs as 'saved' (meaning that they are persistent each time OnionShare starts, and their onion address doesn't change), these are given a random identifier which gets listed here. The persistent onion is stored as a JSON file with the same name as this identifier, in a subfolder of the OnionShare configuration folder called 'persistent'. Default: [] |
locale |
The locale used in OnionShare. Default: None (which is the same as 'en'). For valid locale codes, see 'available_locales' in |
theme |
The theme for the OnionShare desktop app. Valid options are 0 (automatically detect the user's computer's light or dark theme), 1 (light) or 2 (dark). |
Configuration file parameters for persistent onions
As described above, each 'persistent' onion has parameters of its own which are stored in its own JSON file. The path to this file can be specified for the CLI tool with --persistent
Here is an example persistent JSON configuration:
"onion": {
"private_key": "0HGxILDDwYhxAB2Zq8mM3Wu3MirBgK7Fw2/tVrTw1XraElH7MWbVn3lzKbcJEapVWz2TFjaoCAVN48hGqraiRg==",
"persistent": {
"mode": "share",
"enabled": true,
"autostart_on_launch": false
"general": {
"title": null,
"public": false,
"autostart_timer": false,
"autostop_timer": false,
"service_id": "hvsufvk2anyadehahfqiacy4wbrjt2atpnagk4itlkh4mdfsg6vhd5ad"
"share": {
"autostop_sharing": true,
"filenames": [
"log_filenames": false
"receive": {
"data_dir": "/home/user/OnionShare",
"webhook_url": null,
"disable_text": false,
"disable_files": false
"website": {
"disable_csp": false,
"custom_csp": null,
"log_filenames": false,
"filenames": []
"chat": {}
Below are the configuration file parameters for a persistent onion and what they mean, for each section in the JSON
Parameter |
Type |
Explanation |
private_key |
Base64-encoded private key of the onion service |
client_auth_priv_key |
The private key when using Client Authentication. Send this to the user. |
client_auth_pub_key |
The public key when using Client Authentication. Used on OnionShare's side. |
Parameter |
Type |
Explanation |
mode |
The mode used by this persistent onion. Options are "share", "receive", "website" or "chat". |
enabled |
Whether persistence is enabled for this onion. When the persistent option is unchecked in the desktop, this entire JSON file is deleted. Default: true |
autostart_on_launch |
Whether to automatically start this persistent onion when OnionShare starts and once Tor is connected. Default: false |
Parameter |
Type |
Explanation |
title |
An optional custom title for displaying on the onion service. Default: null ("OnionShare" will be shown instead) |
public |
Whether the onion service can be accessed with or without a Private Key (Client Authentication). If true, no Private Key is required. |
autostart_timer |
Whether the onion service is configured to start at a specific time. The time can be set in the desktop app or specified in seconds with |
autostop_timer |
Whether the onion service is configured to stop at a specific time. The time can be set in the desktop app or specified in seconds with |
service_id |
The 32-character onion service URL, without the scheme and without the '.onion' suffix. |
The below are settings specific to the 'mode' specified in the persistent
section above.
Parameter |
Type |
Explanation |
data_dir |
The path where received files or text messages will be stored. Default: the 'OnionShare' folder of the user's home directory. |
webhook_url |
A webhook URL that OnionShare will POST to when it receives files or text messages. Default: null |
disable_text |
Whether to disable receiving text messages. Default: false |
disable_files |
Whether to disable receiving files. Default: false |
Parameter |
Type |
Explanation |
disable_csp |
If set to |
custom_csp |
A custom Content Security Policy header to send instead of the default. |
log_filenames |
Whether to log URL requests to stdout when using the CLI tool. Default: false |
filenames |
A list of files to share. Default: [] |
There are currently no configurable settings for the Chat mode.