

OnionShare has an open Keybase team to discuss the project, ask questions, share ideas and designs, and making plans for future development. (It's also an easy way to send end-to-end encrypted direct messages to others in the OnionShare community, like OnionShare addresses.) To use Keybase, download the Keybase app, make an account, and join this team. Within the app, go to "Teams", click "Join a Team", and type "onionshare".


Contributing Code

OnionShare source code is to be found in this Git repository: https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare

If you'd like to contribute code to OnionShare, it helps to join the Keybase team and ask questions about what you're thinking of working on. You should also review all of the open issues on GitHub to see if there are any you'd like to tackle.

When you're ready to contribute code, open a pull request in the GitHub repository and one of the project maintainers will review it and possibly ask questions, request changes, reject it, or merge it into the project.


OnionShare is developed in Python. To get started, clone the Git repository at https://github.com/onionshare/onionshare/ and then consult the cli/README.md file to learn how to set up your development environment for the command-line version, and the desktop/README.md file to learn how to set up your development environment for the graphical version.

Those files contain the necessary technical instructions and commands install dependencies for your platform, and to run OnionShare from the source tree.


Verbose mode

When developing, it's convenient to run OnionShare from a terminal and add the --verbose (or -v) flag to the command. This prints a lot of helpful messages to the terminal, such as when certain objects are initialized, when events occur (like buttons clicked, settings saved or reloaded), and other debug info. For example:

$ poetry run onionshare-cli -v ~/Documents/roms/nes/Q-bert\ \(USA\).nes
│    *            ▄▄█████▄▄            *    │
│               ▄████▀▀▀████▄     *         │
│              ▀▀█▀       ▀██▄              │
│      *      ▄█▄          ▀██▄             │
│           ▄█████▄         ███        -+-  │
│             ███         ▀█████▀           │
│             ▀██▄          ▀█▀             │
│         *    ▀██▄       ▄█▄▄     *        │
│ *             ▀████▄▄▄████▀               │
│                 ▀▀█████▀▀                 │
│             -+-                     *     │
│   ▄▀▄               ▄▀▀ █                 │
│   █ █     ▀         ▀▄  █                 │
│   █ █ █▀▄ █ ▄▀▄ █▀▄  ▀▄ █▀▄ ▄▀▄ █▄▀ ▄█▄   │
│   ▀▄▀ █ █ █ ▀▄▀ █ █ ▄▄▀ █ █ ▀▄█ █   ▀▄▄   │
│                                           │
│                  v2.4.1                   │
│                                           │
│          https://onionshare.org/          │

[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] Settings.__init__
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] Settings.load
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] Settings.load: Trying to load /home/user/.config/onionshare/onionshare.json
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] Common.get_resource_path: filename=wordlist.txt
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] Common.get_resource_path: filename=wordlist.txt, path=/home/user/code/onionshare/cli/onionshare_cli/resources/wordlist.txt
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] ModeSettings.load: creating /home/user/.config/onionshare/persistent/polish-pushpin-hydrated.json
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] ModeSettings.set: updating polish-pushpin-hydrated: general.title = None
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] ModeSettings.set: updating polish-pushpin-hydrated: general.public = False
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] ModeSettings.set: updating polish-pushpin-hydrated: general.autostart_timer = 0
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] ModeSettings.set: updating polish-pushpin-hydrated: general.autostop_timer = 0
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] ModeSettings.set: updating polish-pushpin-hydrated: share.autostop_sharing = True
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] Web.__init__: is_gui=False, mode=share
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] Common.get_resource_path: filename=static
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] Common.get_resource_path: filename=static, path=/home/user/code/onionshare/cli/onionshare_cli/resources/static
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] Common.get_resource_path: filename=templates
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] Common.get_resource_path: filename=templates, path=/home/user/code/onionshare/cli/onionshare_cli/resources/templates
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] Web.generate_static_url_path: new static_url_path is /static_gvvq2hplxhs2cekk665kagei6m
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] ShareModeWeb.init
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] Onion.__init__
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] Onion.connect
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] Settings.__init__
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] Settings.load
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] Settings.load: Trying to load /home/user/.config/onionshare/onionshare.json
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] Onion.connect: tor_data_directory_name=/home/user/.config/onionshare/tmp/tmpf3akiouy
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] Common.get_resource_path: filename=torrc_template
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:20] Common.get_resource_path: filename=torrc_template, path=/home/user/code/onionshare/cli/onionshare_cli/resources/torrc_template
Connecting to the Tor network: 100% - Done
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:30] Onion.connect: Connected to tor
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:30] Settings.load
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:30] Settings.load: Trying to load /home/user/.config/onionshare/onionshare.json
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:30] OnionShare.__init__
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:30] OnionShare.start_onion_service
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:30] Onion.start_onion_service: port=17616
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:30] Onion.start_onion_service: key_type=NEW, key_content=ED25519-V3
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:35] ModeSettings.set: updating polish-pushpin-hydrated: general.service_id = vucwsdmjt7szoc6pel3puqoxobiepdsowmqaq7pm7dzhembtzr2capad
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:35] ModeSettings.set: updating polish-pushpin-hydrated: onion.private_key = +HfFALM4MtrNh59ibfMtRwDCIpfpWHIcNh3boahqrHh3TkLAyQvzKTm/y53KoYKSh0VU+m9DZY7DtZuCzkHkqQ==
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:35] ModeSettings.set: updating polish-pushpin-hydrated: onion.client_auth_priv_key = G24TSNLIJX7YZM6R7P24AIGRU4N56ZFL7ENZVIDIWUEWY66YS3EQ
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:35] ModeSettings.set: updating polish-pushpin-hydrated: onion.client_auth_pub_key = GDY2EPXSS7Q3ELQJFIX2VELTVZ3QEYIGWIZ26CEDQKZJ5Y7VKI3A
Compressing files.
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:35] ShareModeWeb.init
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:35] ShareModeWeb.set_file_info_custom
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:35] ShareModeWeb.build_zipfile_list
[Sep 09 2021 19:13:35] Web.start: port=17616
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Give this address and private key to the recipient:

Press Ctrl+C to stop the server

onionshare/common.py から Common.log メソッドを実行することで、独自のデバッグ メッセージを追加できます。例えば:

common.log('OnionShareGui', 'start_server', 'I ran here')

This can be useful when learning the chain of events that occur when using OnionShare, or the value of certain variables before and after they are manipulated.


Tor は遅いため、開発中にオニオン サービスの開始を完全にスキップすると便利な場合がよくあります。これは --local-only フラグで行うことができます。例えば::

$ poetry run onionshare-cli --local-only --receive
│    *            ▄▄█████▄▄            *    │
│               ▄████▀▀▀████▄     *         │
│              ▀▀█▀       ▀██▄              │
│      *      ▄█▄          ▀██▄             │
│           ▄█████▄         ███        -+-  │
│             ███         ▀█████▀           │
│             ▀██▄          ▀█▀             │
│         *    ▀██▄       ▄█▄▄     *        │
│ *             ▀████▄▄▄████▀               │
│                 ▀▀█████▀▀                 │
│             -+-                     *     │
│   ▄▀▄               ▄▀▀ █                 │
│   █ █     ▀         ▀▄  █                 │
│   █ █ █▀▄ █ ▄▀▄ █▀▄  ▀▄ █▀▄ ▄▀▄ █▄▀ ▄█▄   │
│   ▀▄▀ █ █ █ ▀▄▀ █ █ ▄▄▀ █ █ ▀▄█ █   ▀▄▄   │
│                                           │
│                  v2.4.1                   │
│                                           │
│          https://onionshare.org/          │

* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Files sent to you appear in this folder: /home/user/OnionShare

Warning: Receive mode lets people upload files to your computer. Some files can potentially take control of your computer if you open them. Only open things from people you trust, or if you know what you are doing.

Give this address and private key to the sender:

Press Ctrl+C to stop the server

In this case, you load the URL in a normal web-browser like Firefox, instead of using the Tor Browser. The private key is not actually needed in local-only mode, so you can ignore it.


OnionShare をより使いやすく、より親しみやすくするために、Hosted Weblate で翻訳することに協力してください。「OnionShare」は常にラテン文字で表記し、必要であれば「OnionShare (ローカル名)」を使用してください。

翻訳を手伝うには、Hosted Weblateのアカウントを作り、投稿を始めてください。

Suggestions for Original English Strings


File source string improvements by adding @kingu to your Weblate comment, or open a GitHub issue or pull request. The latter ensures all upstream developers see the suggestion, and can potentially modify the string via the usual code review processes.

Status of Translations

Here is the current translation status. If you want start a translation in a language not yet started, please write to the mailing list: onionshare-dev@lists.riseup.net
